Sunday, July 14, 2013

Washed Out

My path was washed out this morning by yesterday's rains.  I had to walk my bike across it.

This weekend was full of many roadblocks.  The weather was horrid.  It was hot and humid, since we are moving into our monsoon season, and the mornings were muggy and sticky and uncomfortable.  Unless I could get myself up and ride at 5 in the morning, it means I'm going to encounter this heat for a while.  Then on Saturday, there was some sort of foot race going on in the space I usually ride.  There had been no signage, I just suddenly rode right into a huge group of families running down the usual idyllic and quiet green space.  I had to go around them, and still ended up in the middle of them later down the greenway, and received a scolding to boot, from a "helpful" volunteer.  So it was hot, humid, there were a bunch of people on the greenway, and I realized as I huffed and puffed trying to go around them through muddy grass and gravel that I was in 7th gear. 

Ouch, my knees. 

Today was a bit better, but a bit more than halfway through, I encountered a washed-out path from the previous day's rain.  I stopped and walked my bike across, then kept on going.  I'll have to keep this in mind next week, after we'll have had a lot more heavy rain showers.  Might have to alter my path.

Which is just fine, if you let me know ahead of time!

I like my routine.  So far this month I've ridden 50 miles.  Not bad for a fat girl.

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